Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines day...

Ah, Valentines day. The day of inflated expectations. The day that teaches us we are not worthy of love if we don't currently have someone special in our lives.And the best example of legalized prostitution that we have. If there is one thing that Valentines day teaches us, is that if you give people stuff, they will like you. Love  you even. It is the candy coating on the dark chocolate of a relationship. Sweet at first, then complex with a touch of bitterness before you decide you love it.

Now don't get me wrong, I love shiny, cuddly, chocolaty stuff as much as the next girl, but I love it even more when it happens on different days throughout the year. I love the fact that my husband doesn't need a reminder to do something special for me, or I for him. And maybe I am just getting older, but the thought of a cardboard heart filled with diabetes inducing sweets just doesn't turn me on anymore. The thought of spending cash on flowers that are not going to last is great, but I want my stuff to hang around for longer than a week.

The kind of love that Valentines Day proposes is the kind of Love that everyone dreams of. Yeppers the big 'L' love. The one that movies are made about, the kind that poets spend hours preaching. And yet aside from romantic movies, nothing makes those who are single, or those who can't spend the kind of time they want to with the one they love, feel more lonely. 

And we start our kids early. Who out there doesn't remember going to the store and getting cheap Valentines for your class in school? I know I did. She-Ra and GI Joe were huge when I was in school. So it became a competition. Who had the coolest Valentines for the class? That award always went to the kid who gave out big suckers, or treat bags or anything but conversation hearts. With our decorated paper bags hung off of the front of our desks, we waited. As everyone got up one by one and put those coveted cards into re-purposed lunch bags, we tried to see who was handing out what. The we got to party. We got to sort through piles of garishly colored cards to see if we did get one from everyone in the class. Because nothing sucked quite as much as getting to the last kid in class and realizing that you miss-counted and are short a Valentine. I always over counted.

And even when my teenage son was in elementary school, we went through this ritual. Then in 5th grade, Valentines abruptly ended. It is taboo to have kids that are of middle-school age trading little love notes. So we are taught that it is okay, then it's not, then it has to be okay, or you will be sleeping on the couch for the week. I really wish we could make up our minds.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Doom and Gloom...

So there is a snow storm headed our way. Out here in lovely Colorado, we think we know all about snow. And most of us who have lived here for at least 10 years can look back and remember 2-3 really good blizzards that managed to close down the city for a couple of days. I know I can think of at least 3 without any help at all. So every time we get a big storm headed our way, people panic. No Shit.

Now one thing I love about my state is the weather. If we get a blizzard after December, it really only sticks around for a few days, then everyone can get their kids back to soccer and flute lessons. But there is always a few. You know who you are. Don't look at me like that. You will be filling up every vehicle in your fleet, and buying every roll of toilet paper, and gallon of water you can fit in your SUV. You ask everyone what their plans are if the storm really is as bad as everyone thinks. You plot, you plan, you stock up like it's 1999.

Well, here is the truth. It's just snow, it melts, and most people would be more than happy to miss a day or 2 of work or school to be stuck at home with the family. I can remember the last blizzard we had I believe it was right before Christmas in 2006. It dumped about 2 feet of the white fluffy devil stuff in my neighborhood. Way more than my poor little truck could handle. So I went outside and shoveled every so often to cut down on the work when the snow finally stopped. My son managed to loose his shoe in our front yard. We didn't find it until our fair city finally thawed in the spring. That winter we got at least 5 inches of snow every Friday for 8 weeks.

So now every time we get a massive storm warning we get the 'doom and gloomers'. They come out all the time. Even in the middle of heat waves. They are poised to jump at the smallest sound, an react with lightning speed to try and assert even a small amount of control over natural forces. Get this...You Live In a Mountainous state where snow in the Winter is Common! You know it's coming, you know it's gonna suck having forced family time, and you know you're gonna run out of beer before it's all over.

I kinda like to snow...