Friday, December 30, 2011


I know things get tired and boring. I know that people, as much as they say they don't mind change, actually hate it. I realize that people have lives that may or may not include everyone they have ever met. But what I don't get is when people feel the need to start drama. Life is a fluid creature. It changes, it evolves, it devolves and it moves in really strange ways.

But if you are so bored that you need to focus your attention on a few people, then you need to find a freakin' hobby. I guess I should feel honored that I can spend months doing nothing at all and still be a topic of conversation.  But damn, if you're gonna talk about me give me a heads up so that I can do something cool.

A few days ago, I had another strange encounter with a very bored person. Wolf and I had gone to our regular grocery store to pick up a few items, and within 10 seconds of entering the store, we had a security guard following us at a not-so-discreet distance. He followed us through the whole store. I wanted to go an ask him what he found so damn interesting about us, seeing as we were shopping. I held my inner bitch in check and we went on our way. As I was mulling over the experience in my mind I came to the conclusion that the guy that was following us was on a power trip, and bored.

Now one bored person isn't that bad. But when you get a group of bored people, then shit starts getting interesting. It doesn't take very long for a rumor to spread, and it takes even less time for people to start forming negative opinions. Those start to spread like a cancer. And a lot of people will take those rumors at their word, rather than seek the truth. Why? Because it is more interesting to hear the over-blown, made-up, fictional tales. It alleviates the boredom and makes life seem a little less dull, or shitty because now things are happening to others and not to them. Add a sense of entitlement, some misguided philosophies, and you have any large group of people that have spent a fair amount of time together.

Throw in some alcohol and you've got a party!

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