Monday, December 19, 2011


Frag-Meppy Ramenoodlekwanahansmass!

Fig-You, uh, wanna run that one by me again?

Frag-It's Hannakwanzayulemass!

Fig-Okay, explain yourself.

Frag-"ell since it is getting closer to the major winter holiday season, I figured I would try to find a greeting that would not offend anyone.

Fig-How could a holiday greeting offend anyone?

Frag-I guess it's because people feel the need to carry any banner they can find at this point and the banner of offense is by far the easiest to pick up and run with. Hell, say 'Merry Christmas' to anyone and you run the risk of offending them.

Fig-I still don't understand. Your telling me that people have thrown out the true meaning (of which there are many) of the season just to be offended by semantics.

Frag-Unfortunatly, yes. I can remember when it didn't matter what religion you followed, it was the thought that counted. So in the spirit of being as inclusive as possible without having to take a breath half-way through my greeting, I have adopted 'Ramenoodlekwanahansmass' for all of the various winter holidays celebrated this time of the year.

Fig-Okay, I think I've got it! Mappy chunnkwzayolkmas!...Meppy hunkamasyulkwaz...Merpy kwazyolhannamas..."

Frag-Your almost there! Just remember people, it's not the words that you use, but the thought that counts!

FIG & FRAG - MEPPY Ramenoodlekwanahansmass!!

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