Friday, September 16, 2011

Team Work....


Fig-I recognize that tune...

Frag-You should, you only spent the 80's watching it on TV. And no I don't mean the Price is Right.

Fig-I love it when a plan comes together!

Frag-In case you guys playing the home game missed it, we are talking A-team today. But since I am to fuckered up to order the TV series, we are gonna be looking at the movie tonight.

Fig-So I like the van, I always wanted a van like Baracus. The only draw back seems to be when Murdoch drops an industrial air conditioner on it and it folds like a cheap suit.

Frag-Just give it up will ya? We all know that you wanna try cooking steaks with gun powder, and stealing car doors from private contractors in a desert country all the while figuring out the best way to thwart the higher-ups and make it look like someone else did everything.

Fig-Nah, I wanna be just like Face...or Murdoch I love the way he is able to terrify all the members of the crew.

Frag-I call bullshit, You just wanna act all crazy and steal stuff. Not that I disagree with your plans, but we don't know anyone who can fit a rifle into a video camera.

Fig-Ya know as far as action movies go, it rarely gets as good as this, explosions, only slightly unbelievable stunts, and perfect timing. Then best that Hollywood has to offer!

Frag-So we spend the first 30 minutes of the movie with a perfectly laid plan, only to have the ever-lovin' shit blown out of it in like 2 seconds. We learn that the private contractors who's SUV the team rips up is behind the fuckery.

Fig-*Crying* I, I can't believe that they broke up the team *sniff*. But I do love the part when they break out of prison.

Frag-Yeah, the military managed to loose 3 high priority prisoners in the matter of just a few hours. They did however manage to make one of the biggest badasses give up the game...poor Baracus.

Fig-So um where do you think I could get to drive a tank that was dropped from an airplane, and I don't mean when it lands? *smirk* That should be a ride at an amusement park.

Frag-I am amused by the fact that now they are terrorizing Germany. With the CIA's help. But several explosions later, we come to the crux of the point. And that happens to be that super complex shell games work far better in setting up the bad guy, and bringing about his downfall.

Fig-But isn't that part of what makes the movies great? The fact that the imagination and some computers can re-make physics and rational thought.

Frag-So given the amount of shit they blow up in this movie and the complete and total disregard for the laws of physics and real-world tactics, I have to say that we LOVE this movie!!

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