Friday, September 23, 2011

We interrupt our normally scheduled program...

Okay, so I am interrupting the regular fuckery for a rant. Again. So deal with it.

This may seem a bit disjointed but I had a dream about a post-zombie apocalyptic world last night. It was vivid and I can remember damn near everything. Like the fact that the huge-ass house we were living in with like 20 other people was painted this obnoxious shade of sun-flower yellow. There were about 100 chickens in a yard that kinda surrounded the porch. We ended up leaving this paradise for the mountains. When our caravan finally found our mountain retreat, someone else was there first. So we shot one of their cows. All I could think at the time was..."Huh, looks like we are having beef for dinner."

So in all of that what I figure is that when the shit hits the fan, people scatter and only look out for themselves. They don't tend to see that there is greater power in numbers, or the fact that someone may be able to give them a hand up, or screw all that, just willing to share what they have. We tend to be paranoid and due to a large dose of social conditioning, very mistrusting creatures. Everywhere we look we are told that there are the "haves" and the "have nots". Okay, I can see this to a point, I have stuff, all of you other fuckers have stuff too. We don't all have the same stuff, because then we would be some oddball mix of communism and socialism. But the fact that we have different stuff in no way makes me a "have not". Just a "have different". And just because I don't have more little green bits of paper, doesn't mean that I am not happy. I can pay for my food, my house and my fun stuff. I don't think that having $900 shoes makes a person happy. They just have to watch where they step. Well I say screw that. I want to be able to play in puddles, and run through the grass in the park.

But lately the one that gets me the most is the stock market. I mean really, you're playing with imaginary money. There are not enough bills in the US to cover even a portion of the market. Yet every breath we take as a country is tied to this scrolling board with green numbers. It's like one big game of 'see how we can mess up the country in 10 easy steps'. Shit. If my job was based on the market, I think I would be out of work. If I chose to spend the way the government does, I would be so far in debt that I would have to file bankruptcy like 10 times. I miss those days when people were taught to spend what they had and credit was for emergencies.

I miss personal integrity. I know people are gonna roll their eyes and think that I can't possibly mean them, but everyone has lapses now and again. I have met some truly great people who I think have what it takes to do what they say, and say what they do. They don't bullshit. I like to think that I am one of those people. I do realize that sometimes I slip, but then there are those people who think that they are above having to do what they say. They are the ones who tend to blow off invites, and are the ones that think that people have to look up to them. Yet they have not given one reason to be admired. They are the ones who feel they can't possibly relate to anyone other than their friends. Fine be my, go be a little scared kid in a corner. I am done with it.

Now I may piss someone off with this, but watch your DAMNED KIDS!!! You are the one who chose to have kids, and in some cases more than you can support. But back on point. Your kids may be cute, but when I am shopping all I want to do is run them over with my cart. When they poke holes in the packs of meat, and when they crush all of the loaves of bread, I want to scream. I know if I ever acted the way some of you let your kids act, I would have had my ass beat in the middle of the store. Then if anyone should, god forbid, tell your precious little ingrates to stop doing something dangerous, then you get all hurt and dejected. You scream that we have no right to tell your kids what to do. But let me say this again...You are the parent. Not me. So put on your big girl/boy panties and freaking deal with it.

I also miss, and I totally blame my generation for this...Personal responsability. Gen X has become the lack lustre shadow of our parents. Sure we saw things like the rise of feminism, the invention of the internet and cell phones, but we had to be the idiots to take it one further. We have lost all sense of personal responsability. Now you can blame being a dick on a mental disorder. You can blame not working on the fact that you have personalitly conflicts with your employers. And our government will happily pay you to sit on your ass. But the one that gets me, is people who tend to blame being assholes on their astrological sign. I call BULLSHIT!! We have a problem. We tend to not pay attention to anything unless it directly affects us. We don't care about Darfur, we surely don't give a shit about immigration. And we will happily sit back as our country deteriorates around us.

As I said in the beginning, this is a rant. You can agree or disagree all you want, but in the end I hope that it made you think. I hope it made you look, even for just a moment, at something a bit differently.

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