Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I noticed that during the wonderful holiday season, that I was slacking on my little corner of the Internet. I had been distracted. I was busy trying to survive what will someday be known as 'The Most Stressful Time of the Year'. I think that the holidays will even beat out tax season for that honor. But enough about me...

I was listening to the radio this morning and what I can't help but notice is that everyone seems to have lost their damn minds. People are in a tizzy about Tebow and the Broncos, someone even tried to make the connection that he is the second coming of Jesus. Something about how all of the numbers match up from the first playoff game to his favorite bible verse. Then I was amused that our government is meeting today to discuss ending the censorship of public broadcasters.

Yep. Soon you could be able to hear George Carlin's 7 words you can't say on the radio, on the radio. Nudity and language would be essentially what you can get right now for the low, low price of your cable bill. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a prude, nor am I going to use the 'Think of the children' line. Right now it is a basic battle of rights versus censorship. Is the fact that television and radio are restricted by the FCC a violation of free speech? Should they have different rules governing them then everyone else? Just listen to the bleeps and watch the blurs. While it has been the standard for many years, now people are taking the fight to the supreme court claiming that it is a violation of rights.

Now I don't think that I would really care that much if they decided that you could cuss on the radio. I also know that parents everywhere will be using the fact that they have kids to try and get the government to do what they want. Well here's an idea...pay attention to what your kids are watching! If you don't want to hear people cussing, then don't watch that channel. I am sure that despite all of the warnings and the doom sayers, that the industry will police itself. I don't think that if the standards are changed for radio and TV that every station in the US will develop an acute case of Touretts. I don't think that boobs and butts will take the place of the evening news. I would like to think that our broadcasters would want their stations to maintain the integrity that they have built over the years.

But then again I could be wrong.

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