Friday, March 2, 2012

Ramble, ramble, ramble

So I know its been a while since I have written a post, not because I don't have things that I want to say, I have just been stoopid busy. I manage to do this to myself every now and again. So I have to now make it a point to take some time and just write for the hell of it. So here ya go, a nice set of wonderfully disjointed thoughts to get you ready for a snow storm and a weekend.

I figured out a while ago that I really don't like massive corporations. They are top heavy and tend to take too long to react to changing conditions. And unfortunately, one of them has become almost a necessary evil. It is a giant sucking whirl-pool of cheap goods. Stuff is so cheap that everyone can afford to shop there, but then it traps people into having to shop their to get their cheap stuff. Now while there is one that rises to the top of the scale when it comes to just plain nuts and hard to deal with, there are several smaller corporations who make dealing with the giants look like a walk in the park.

These are the aspiring minor demons. They want to reach the full-grown demon size of the corporation in the first part of this rant. These minor demons are in many ways even worse. If you can show that a problem that has cropped up has been solved, then they look to make sure that a totally un-related issue be addressed. And then another one, then another one, ad naseum. I think you get the point. They are like a person with just enough education to make them think that they know it all. These are the most painful to deal with. At least with a full grown pain in the ass, you get to deal with all of the individual cells.

This makes a great portion of my job a pain in the ass. Any little hiccup and the whole apple cart gets toppled.

There have been a lot of hiccups lately.

So now onto the political section of this rant...Remember when the Tea Party was the scariest thing on the scene?? Yeah well now the republicans have surpassed the once laughable group of nutballs. Now, today, they are voting on a bill that could possible end access to birth control for hundreds of thousands of women. And it's the Dems too. They have their part in all of this crazy. It seems to me that both partes are actively trying to distance themselves from their voting base. They are running away from the common people as fast as their little legs can carry them.

And I have no idea who's bright idea it was to all but ignore the fact that gas could hit a projected $5 a gallon this summer. I will never be happier to be able to park our suburban and take the bikes. Hell, I can't wait for it to be warm enough at 6:00 am so that I can ride to work.

I have decided that I love tattooing. I love seeing a peice of art come alive, and seeing people's reaction change at it changes. I love testing my skills, and re-working a peice until it is just right. And what's even better than that is I get to do it again on Saturday!

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