Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Us Vs. Them

I forgot to post this last week, so you get a two-fer today...

So I should really stop watching the news first thing in the morning. All it does is piss me off when I listen to the glaring disparity that is present in our society. For instance, this morning I was watching channel 9 news and they were talking about Robert Blagojevich and his having to report for jail.

Okay, not a biggie. Then they brought up that he would be coming here to Colorado. Alright, I guess. But not because he was sentenced to come to Colorado to serve his time, but because he wanted to serve it here.

I know right!

I want to commit a Federal Crime and then be able to dictate the terms of my prison sentence. "Um, I don't think I want to go to a prison in the state where I committed my crime, so I think I will serve my time in, let's say, Hawaii. Yep on a beach."


If you or me or anyone else that is not a high profile person gets busted for anything, we have to go where they send us. We don't get to be picky. I am sure that lawyers have figured out a way to move some of the upper middle class around the country for the best possible stay. But if you can't afford one of those super sneaky bastards, then you get stuck where ever they have room.

Even if it is with Bubba.

Do you remember the whole Paris Hilton in jail crap? I mean she didn't even last 3 days before they let her out because she was having anxiety attacks.

It is this kind of crap that perpetuates the whole 'class warfare'. It's not a case of the poor hating the rich because they have money, it is a case of the poor hating the rich because they do get treated differently. They do get more perks with their paycheck, and they apparently get to pick where and how long they get to serve time for breaking the law.

I sure as shit know that if I were to get arrested, then all bets are off and I will not be given those choices. If I have a panic attack in jail, they would just haul my butt to the infirmary, and give me a sedative. Not early release...

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