Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wag the Dog...

For the love of all that is drunk and unholy! It has only been about 24 hours and yet I know everything about someone that I don't give a shit about. I don't care about Manning, or the fact that he is going to be a Bronco. Let me repeat that for the hearing impared, I. Don't. Care.

I would say that I am amazed that every single media outlet is going balls to the wall with the news that a sports team gets a new person, but that would be a lie. It is an election year, a bunch of politicians have pretty much started down the "a woman is not a person" road, thus erasing years of struggle to become equals, and no one seems to give a rats ass. Apparently the only thing that we phlebs can be expected to care about is who can throw a bag inflated with air the best.

This is a prime example of what is going on with our country. We as a people are more than willing to play with our toys, and leave the heavy lifting upto someone else. We like to be distracted. We want to be taken care of. We want to watch the show with all of the special effects instead of the documentary. We want our country to be what we are making it in to. And we wonder why the rest of the world thinks that we are a joke. Sure we have the coolest military toys, but we are uncouth, rough and only steps away from complete barbarism.

Now I don't think that I would go so far as to say that there is some unnamed entity that is monitoring and controlling our media, but when it is all the same noise on every channel, then I start to wonder if maybe there might be something behind the proliferation of mindless stories. I mean, there is not one form of media that I watch that doesn't have something about Manning and the Broncos. Short of ignoring all forms of media, there is no way that I can avoid all of the opinions, facts, and fluff surrounding this, the latest in trying to propel a sports team to a coveted title.

It's not like there's a war on or anything...

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