Sunday, August 7, 2011

Road Rage!

Fig-"Hey A&^hole! Did you just see that! That guy just crossed 4 lanes of traffic to make a right turn onto a one way(the wrong direction)street!"

Frag-"It's strange, it seems that for the last few months, people have forgotten how to drive, and the basic courtesy rules, like every other car when you are in a merge zone."

Fig-*shouting out of the window* "Hey Butt head! Use your turn signal next time!"

Frag-"But you fail to note that when one does not use their turn signal, the bulbs last longer."

Fig-*stares* "Almost every driver is on a cell phone!"

Frag-"Or using their GPS unit. People used to pay more attention to where they were going when they drove. They knew where they were going, and what lane they needed to be in to make their turn. People also used to know how to read street maps and with the exception of a few unknown construction zones, everything went well. Now everyone has to be at their destination first, faster than anybody else. Following the speed limit has become a thing of the past."

Fig-*Leans out of the window to flip off the driver next to them who is drinking coffee, e-mailing the office, talking on a cell phone and putting on makeup*
"What were you saying?"

Frag-"If you don't pay more attention to where your going, your going to miss our turn."

Fig-*Honks Horn*

Frag-"Man I think that you could benefit from an anger management course. Road rage ain't cool."

Fig-"Nope I'll agree there, but a tank would be so much cooler. Rush Hour would be a thing of the past."

Frag-"What are you talking about?"

Fig-" If I had a tank to drive to work, people would stay out of my way! Not to mention our insurance claims for body damage would drop off dramatically!"

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