Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Small rant...

Frag-"I have snapped. I wanna know What the FUCK!!! WTF is up with the stupid people trying to drive the cars? WTF is up with stupid tax forms that no one can translate into english!! WTF!!! Fuck! And why does the IRS have Spanish language tax forms on thier website??? Last time I checked, we were in America and our F&*(^#$ language was ENGLISH!!! Yes English MOFO!!! Do you Speak it??? And WTF is up with people that have to tell you thier life story when you meet them??? I don't wanna know! I don't give a shit! Why oh why can't people cross the street properly? It's not that hard! Cross walks are there for a reason! They are there so your dumb ass won't get hit! What the hell is up with the price of a peice of beef? It's gotten to the point where I have to sell something to get a decent steak anymore! WTF! People, if you wanna loose weight, DON'T EAT! Cramming your self with beef is just a easier way towards kidney stones! Fuck! I wanna see people use courtesy when they enter a business. This means NO CELL PHONE conversations when the clerk is trying to help you out! Leave the phone in your goddamn pocket. It's not like you can't tell who called you. And if it really is that important, you can call the fuckers back when you have left the business! Or at least step outside to take the damn call! FUCK!"


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