Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Guilt by association...

 I wrote this one 5 years ago about a certain group of friends, as coincidental as it may seem, I put this one up because I haven't had time to write any more new shit, and everything else I have in the archive is holiday themed. So with out further ado, here is this week's dose of fuckery.

Fig-*talking on the phone* "But I can't talk to you anymore! I already told you why! It's because you hang around with that Id personality. We have nothing to say to each other. And I don't care what you try and tell me, that's just the way it is. Bye"

Frag-"Who were you talking to?"

Fig-"Oh that was just Ego wanting to know why I don't hang with them anymore."

Frag-"And your answer was?"

Fig-"I don't like Id. So I don't want to have anything to do with anyone that considers Id a friend."

Frag-"Okay, you better explain this to me. Because I am lost. Why would you not want to hang out with Ego. You guys are friends right?"

Fig-"Well I don't like some of the stuff that Id has done. Id totally blew me off at the last party, and then had the nerve to tell Ego that they didn't like the shirt I was wearing at the time."

Frag-"Well, did you ever ask Id about any of this?"

Fig-"But Ego told me about it all and now I don't want anything to do with Id or anyone they associate with."

Frag-"So if I have this straight, you got your news from the grapevine and didn't bother to take your problems to the person who supposedly started them? You just dropped one of your best friends on their ass because you didn't like what you heard? What planet are you from again?"

Fig-"Yeah, that about sums it up." *grumbles*

Frag-"Hows about this, instead of refusing to see one of your friends again, you have a sit down with Id and get your questions answered. I mean come on now. You're acting like you are in 3rd grade. And just because Ego hangs around with Id, doesn't mean that you can't still hang out with Ego. I mean Ego is old enough to know better than to try this type of thing. Not at all like IC (inner child). I would expect this type of thing from IC, but not from you guys."

Fig-"But what if Id doesn't want to talk to me?"

Frag-"Well, after this that may be the case, but right now you should try to set things right. Because it is possible that Id has no idea what you're feeling right now. And how fair do you think that is to Id. I mean if you pissed me off you'd want to know about it right?"

Fig-"Yeah I guess you're right. I will call Id and see if I can't set up a time for us to have some coffee and figure this thing out."

Frag-"And you really need to quit the whole 'guilty by association' thing. It doesn't work for you at all."

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