Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good movies to curl up to...

I love Halloween. And I mean I love halloween like a fat kid in a candy store. It has to be my favorite freakin time of the year. Not only do you get to pretend to be something else, but you can come up with the most twisted costumes and no one says you're a freak or a weirdo. I think I love it so much because it gives us time to escape ourselves, if only for a few hours. And so without further ado I bring you the LIST...This is the list of my favorite scary movies that I am going to watch throughout the entire month of October, not in any particular order...

1. Freaks-This is a killer old black and white flick about circus folk, deception, revulsion, and the coolest part has got to be the human torso (read no arms or legs), lighting a special effects to speak of, it was made in the 1930's. A must see for anyone!

2.Jaws-Killer freaking shark, small town, need I say more? This is a movie that I watch all year round!

3. Alien-The original, creeptastic, latex body suit, KY gel horrorfest. This scared the crap out of me when I was much younger, but now it's like an old friend who you don't get to see all of the time.

4. War of the Worlds-Now this one has to be seen in the original, not of that Tom-what's his nuts. Magnetic watches, Sci-Fi alien ships, creepy sound effects. The only thing better is listening to the original radio broadcast.

5. The Exorcist-The Classic good vs. evil. The extended version is way better than the original. When the girl crab-walks down the stairs I almost spit soda out of my nose.

6. The Haunting-I guess I love the oldies, I perfer this version of the original to the re-make with Liam Neeson and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Some good old shocking moments cannot be made up for by special effects.

7. Night of the Living dead-Has to be one of the best old-school zombie movies ever!!! I believe that this one shaped the vast majority of films we have today, and it was one of Romero's first.

8. Pet Semetary-One of Stephen King's finer books, I still get twitchy when the little kid goes darkside...nothing creepier than little kids...

9. Silence of the lambs-uber fuckered up canabalistic shrink...need I say more?

10. The Lake-This is one of the films that I believe are starting to come out of England...This one a group of kids terrorize a couple...and it goes down hill from there. I like this one because to me, the ones that have a high probability of happening are scary as shit.

11. The Others-Mom and kids are in an old English house, and everytime they try to leave, all they see is fog. Now, it's not so much the premise of the movie as it is the acoustics of my house. At one point in the movie, it sounds like someone running across a wood floor, well, my house has wood floors and I shit you not, it sounded like it was in my living room.

12. Children of the Corn-Corn, kids, farm implements, and Linda Hamilton...3 resons I don't particularly care for Nebraska.

13. The Serpent and the Rainbow-Explore the world of Voodoo Zombies in the search for a new medical use for zombie dust...Some truly disturbing images. But being buried alive takes the cake.

14. C.H.U.D.-A group of chemically altered mutants living under the streets of New York, feeding on the homeless...A dirty corporation disposing radioactive waste in tunnles under said city...

15. Dark Water-The Japanese Version is 10 times better than the American Re-make. I mean we come up with some great horror films, but the japanese have the creep factor nailed! I think it has to do with their particular view of ghosts and whatnot.

I will probably do another list of scary and not so scary movies in a bit. If you have a movie that you think I would like, let me know and I will write a review! Or at least as much of one as I can write drunk off my ass!

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