Monday, October 17, 2011

Loyalty, and the lack thereof...

–noun, plural -ties.
1. the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations.
2. faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.
3. an example or instance of faithfulness, adherence, or the like: a man with fierce loyalties.
So I had an eye opening experience here recently. As many of you know, I was stuck in the hell that is Jury Duty. Now in my former job, this wouldn't have posed much of an issue. However I have come to learn that most companies only want to do the bare minimum as required by law. So as a result of giving a whole freakin' week to do my civic duty and sit on a boring ass trial, I get screwed all the way around. And for reasons that I am not able to expound on currently, the timing of this whole thing sucks. I had no vacation time left at work, see above reasons, and so my employer decided to only pay what was required by law, which amounts to $50 per day.
So, as I said before, I got screwed. I ended up loosing about $400 all said and done. Now given the state of the economy, that will fuck anyone up. And I am still waiting for my check from the state for the 2 days of service that they owe me. All of the paperwork said it could take 6 weeks for me to get my compensation. Now I have to get creative and sell some shit to make the bills. And I don't have a ton of bills, but I do like to eat too. I do my best to save for shit storms, but sometimes it happens to the best of us. I don't have car or bike payments outside of insurance and gas, we don't have cable, we live within our means, but all it takes is one hiccup to screw up your month.
So when I talk about loyalty, it goes both ways. A person should be loyal to the company that hired them, and in turn the company should be loyal to that employee. Given what my company has done, I can see why people only stay in jobs for 2-3 years at a time. By just doing the bare minimum, and saving a few bucks, I now am going to be working as much overtime as I can get my hands on in order to make up for what I lost. Now I wouldn't even consider doing that if the company had just paid my regular wage, now it is going to cost them way more in taxes. I am not doing this out of spite, or to be vengeful, but because I need to in order to survive. Hell I have 3 jobs and this is the only one that pays regularly. I started at Etsy store in the hopes of making a little on the side, but so far it has been 3 months and not one freaking sale.
I don't like it when companies and people spout things about honesty and loyalty yet fall through when the metal hits the meat. It pisses me off and then I start to question if this is the right job for me.  I know this one is kinda bitchy, but I am sure that I am not the only one in the free world to have had their carefully laid plans scrapped by the system..
Meh, maybe it's just a Monday.

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