Friday, October 28, 2011

Passive Aggressive BullSh*t

Ya know what? I really don't understand some people. I don't get the way their mind works. I don't get how they can function in social situations. I really don't. And I would really, really like to know what makes some of these people tick. Now I can understand how backgrounds and growing up in certain environments can shape a person, but I believe that is only a small part of what makes us assholes tick. I ultimately believe that we are who we choose to be. But I also think there are some people that just don't fire on all cylinders. They are just a bit off, just left of center, just odd enough that everyone can notice it.

These people are the ones who tend to be passive-aggressive, and who refuse to deal with a problem at the source. They truly believe that they are not at fault at all for any animosity or bad feelings. They can't see past their noses, and are totally oblivious to the way their attitudes affect those around them. These tend to be the same people that blame their actions on their astrological signs. Now you know the type of people that I am talking about. These are the ones that I have the hardest time trying to figure out. And believe me it's not for lack of trying. I have talked with them, I have had coffee with them, hell I have even driven halfway across the country with one of them.

People are full of shit. We all are. But it is up to us to keep that shit in check for the most part. To keep it from splattering on those around us. The majority of people that I know manage to do a damn good job keeping themselves in check and not turning into a giant douche nozzle when things don't go their way. It's one of the things that sucks about being grown. Our parents, for the most part, are not around to wipe our noses and clean up after us. Yet many people who claim the title of adult, can't manage their own stuff. So they resort to being passive-aggressive and laying their problems on the shoulders of others who really don't give a rats ass.

Okay, I think I am done.


  1. I am an Aquarius with a moon in Leo so I totally get what you are saying here. I mean like my dad used to beat me, and that gives me the right to act retarded right? I mean I am not responsible for anything in my life, and if I am the government will deal with it.

  2. Exactly! I am just fed up with the excuses for behavior...
