Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Downside of PETA...

Fig-*singing to the tune of YMCA by the Village People*..."I wanna protest with PETA, gonna protest with PETAA!

Frag-What the fuck are you singing? Scratch that, why are you singing? And about PETA?

Fig-PETA is not just a type of flat bread anymore my friend. Now they protest for animal rights for the poor little creature that can't speak for themselves.

Frag-Give me a break. IMO they are a bunch of vegetarians with too much money and too much time on their hands. They seem to forget that if it wasn't for People Eating Tasty Animals then using their skins for warmth and shelter that the human race might not be here at all today.

Fig-Yeah but, um they had that chick chained up half nekkid on 16th st mall to protest the circus. She was kinda cute.

Frag-If the only reason you want to be involved with a group like that is to meet cute chicks, then you have way too much free time on your hands. PETA has an okay message when it comes to the senseless killing of small animals for overpriced fur coats, but they tend to go off the deep end on so many other things that it tends to overshadow the decent messages that they try to send. I don't agree with the leather thing, especially when the leather comes from slaughter houses that would just throw it out anyway instead of selling it for use in shoes and coats. Both important bits of clothing that tend to protect people from the elements.

Fig-But think of the poor little bunnies!

Frag-What poor little bunnies?

Fig-And the gold fish that spend their whole lives in a little bowl!

Frag-And what did you have for dinner last night?

Fig-I had a huge steak with a side of lamb.

Frag- That right there would get you disqualified from PETA.

Fig-You mean to join I have to give up meat?

Frag-Yep and your steel toed boots that have leather in them and your leather jacket, and your meat for dinner.

Fig-But Why?

Frag-Well PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in short- protection for all animals on the planet. In order to spread that message and for it to be effective, they have to have members that practice what they preach. So you can only wear natural fibers like cotton and hemp, you can't have milk, or cheese because they come from animals and there is a possibility that the cow that was milked got a blister during the milking, you can't eat eggs, because they are just little chickens(never mind the fact that they are unfertilized eggs that won't turn into anything). Now does this sound like the type of lifestyle change that you are ready for?

Fig-When you put it that way, I would rather have my steak for dinner and my eggs for breakfast.

Frag-If you want to join an organization, take your time and do your research. There are many out there that have very worthy causes, without going off the deep end. If you want to make an imprint on someone, you can volunteer and tons of places, Hospitals, Schools, shelters, Etc. But don't just join an organization because there are cute girls in it. Granted that every organization has people that carry the message in the wrong way, and most have very solid grounds for their protests, But for groups like PETA, and the few stand out-ish members they have, that get the news attention, there good message has been skewed.

Fig-Or could it have been skewered?

Frag-There is nothing wrong with wanting people to treat animals ethically, or with compassion, and love, but when you make the news more for extremist tactics, then you tend to attract the type of people who are extremists. If you want to help cute and fluffy animals, volunteer at a shelter, take the dogs for a walk, clean up the pens, and enjoy the fact that for however short a time you get to spend with the animals, they enjoy your company as well.

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