Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Escape of the Dramalla...

Frag-"Oh Shit."

Fig-"Oh Shit, WHAT?"

Frag-"The Dramalla has gotten out again. We really need to find a better way to keep it in the jar."

Fig-"Yeah, ever since it figured out how the lids work, the escapes have become more frequent."

Frag-"Okay, Grab the jar and your weapon of choice. I'll get the tongs and the oven mitts."

Fig-*Grabs a tennis racket* "I am armed and ready to go."

Frag-"Shut all of the doors and the windows, we don't want this one getting outside and messing with anyone else!"

Fig-"Why? I don't think it's such a bad idea. Then we wouldn't have to deal with it anymore."

Frag-"Don't you see? If we let our Dramalla out, it will just go and breed with other peoples' dramallas, and there will be an assload of little Dramallas running around."

Fig-*peeks under the coffee table* "Well, it's not under here, grab the flashlight, maybe it's under the chair."

Frag-*shines light under chair* "Nope, all that's under here is a bunch of dust. Maybe it's in the closet with the good intentions" *runs off to look in the closet*

Fig-"Hey I think it wandered into the bedroom to hang out with the personal relationships!"

Frag-"Damn! Now it's gonna be a week before I can sleep again." *pokes head into bedroom* "Hey! I can see its' tail! It's under the bed! What the hell is the murmuring coming from the closet?"

Fig-"Uh oh. The Dramalla has gone and twisted the fuck out of the good intentions. Now it's gonna take weeks to get this all sorted out!"

Frag-*Dives under the bed* "Hey don't just stand there, help me! I've got a hold of it, but it's all tangled up in the hearsay!"

Fig-*grabs Frag by the ankles* "Damn! It's worse when it messes with the pile of hearsay that you keep under there."

Frag-"panting" "I've got the little snot!" *holds up Dramalla by the nape of the neck* "It's always amazed me that something so small and insignificant can cause so many problems."

Fig-"Here drop it in the jar before it gets away again." *holds out jar

Frag-*shoves Dramalla into the jar* "let's leave it in here while we work on fixing the good intentions. I'll check out the personal relationships, but you get to deal with the hearsay."

Fig-"What! I don't wanna deal with the hearsay! That's all you!"

Frag-"Well, I don't wanna do it! I always have to do it!"

Fig-"Well, that's cause your sooo good at sorting things out! Your much better than I am."

Frag-*grumbles* "Fine. I'll take the hearsay if you can manage the personal relationships and I think we can get Ego to sort out the good intentions."

Fig-"Sounds great. Now all we have to do is figure out what to do with the Dramalla. I guess it's out of the question to just throw it out of the window and hope it gets lost?"

Frag-"Yep. Totally out of the question. This is our Dramalla and it is up to us to keep it locked up so that it doesn't cause problems in our day to day lives."

Fig-"I guess I should start leaving it at home when I go out then."

Frag-*blinkblink* "Yeah, um that would be a great idea. Now if everyone else would leave their Dramalla at home too."

Fig-"Ya know, I think we're onto something here"

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