Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fig and Frag on Kids...

Frag-"Ya know what? I love kids."
Fig-"Yep Taste just like chicken."
Frag-"Should have seen that one coming. No I like kids because they can be completely honest. Honest to the point of being offensive even. Kids will say anything that strikes them. They don't have to worry about being PC, or who they are going to offend when they pop off with a comment."
Fig-"Wha? Where are you going with this?"
Frag-"These days 'adults' have to watch what they say on the off chance that someone will take offence to their comment. People get sued over the things that they have said in the past. People need to grow some thicker skin."
Fig-"Since when did we become a country of easily offended wimps?"
Frag-"it has been slowly changing over the last oh 25 years or so. Some people decide to become offended at the drop of a hat. I long for the days when anyone can say what is on their mind without the threat of a lawsuit. Now don't get me wrong, you can't go around saying things just for the hell of it. But people should be able to say what they think without the threat of legal action."
Fig-"So I should be able to say '*&%(( &*%$#, **^%*)'?"
Frag-"You should be able to, but in the world today, unless you are the 'power that is', you still have to mind your manners."
Fig-"Hey do you know where I can get a G.W. Bush Mask?"
Frag-"Oh no you don't."
Fig-"What! *looks for 3 piece suit and cowboy hat* Halloween is coming up!"
Frag-"Just promise me that you won't go offending little kids begging for candy."
Fig-"Okay, Okay, I won't offend the little kids. *smirks* The parents on the other hand..."
Frag-*hits head on desk*

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