Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Start of it all...

Back in 2005 I had a blog on Live Journal. This was meant to be an outlet for my thoughts and have a heafty dose of comedy at the same time. I went to visit that lovely old site when I realized that I still had stuff there. I re-read everything that I had written all those long years ago and I realized that it is just as relevant today as it was then. So without futher ado I bring you the original twins of fuckery...Fig and Frag.

The Following is an actual conversation that I had with myself. For simplicity sake, it will be divided into 2 'people'

Figment-"Ya know I wanna write a post that is just full of angst. As angsty as I can possibly make it. So full of angst that you can scrape it off of the screen."
Fragment-"Yeah I understand. Just the thought of all the replies off of an angst filled post fills you with glee. But there is only one problem with that."
Fig-"Okay I'll bite, what's the problem?"
Frag-"You Don't have any angst anymore. You lost it all when you decided that you needed to grow up."
Fig-"What I know I can find some angst here somewhere. Wait let me see...Nope not there. Maybe it is under the couch cushions! *runs off to look* Damn! Not there either. *Thinks* I know! I think it is in the closet under the towels! Nope nothing but some yummy smelling herbs."
Frag-"I hate to say it but I told you so. You see there comes a time in everyones life when they let go of all of their angst and start living for themselves instead of having to be the center of everyone else's world. They decide that they need to stop trying to impress everyone with the whole 'my life sucks' bit. You my friend have moved past this point. Hence no more angst!"
Fig-"Holy S&*% Your right! No wonder I couldn't find any angst anywhere."

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