Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love in the time of Weddings...

Fig- *dancing to classical music*

Frag-Okay, I give. What are you doing?

Fig- I am learning how to dance!

Frag-And why would you be doing that? I thought you hated to dance?

Fig-Don't you feel it?

Frag- Feel what?

Fig- The energy in the air!! Can't you smell the flowers?

Frag-What the hell are you talking about?

Fig-Listen...Harp music *squees*

Frag-Um, yeah sure *starts to scoot away*

Fig-It's Wedding Season!!!

*A dark cloud covers the sun*

Frag-Okay, that's just a bit ominous...

Fig-I hope this won't mess with the arrangements!

Frag-Um, what arrangements??

Fig-The wedding arrangements of course!

Frag-But you're not getting married!

Fig-But I have to plan the perfect Wedding!!! The whole rest of my life hinges on this day! Everything I am is defined by how perfect my wedding is!

Frag-Where did you come up with that load of crap?

Fig-Everyone is getting married! And they all have the perfect wedding! Did you see William and Kate??

Frag- No I didn't watch it.

Fig-*swoons* They had the perfect wedding! But mine has to be better! I have spent the last 5 days straight pouring over color samples so I can pick just the right ones!

Frag-Does it bother you that you're not even seeing someone right now?

Fig-Nope! If I plan the wedding they will come...

Frag-*facepalm* Oh shit, okay, first off you need to put the cake samples down and step away from the invitations...

Fig-*lower lip quivers* But, but, but, I wanna pick my cake!!!

Frag-There will be plenty of time for that in the future...right now you need to pull your head out of your ass and ask yourself if the person you may end up wanting to spend your life with will want to deal with all of the pre-planned canned crap that calls its self a wedding, or if they may want to have a say in what happens on the day they plan to commit themselves to you.

Fig-Um, no.

Frag-*Grumbles* Okay, lemme see if we can do this another way...*winds up pimp hand*

Fig-What are you gonna do with that??

Frag-I am going to smack some sense into you! A wedding is one day and trying to plan the perfect one is like trying to tell China they have to allow Google...You can scream all you want, but the fact of the matter is can't control every aspect of one single day, all you can do is hope for the best and have a good time.

Fig-But I will just die if someone shows up in an outfit that clashes with my colors!!

Frag-To be continued....

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