Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just a small rant...

I am an artist. I love to create things. I love to see people fall in love and enjoy the things I make and it makes me happy and content to no end every time I sell a piece. But I am tired of people not stepping up. I am sick of hearing "Your stuff is beautiful, I would love to have a piece" or the ubiquitous "You are so talented, how do you do it?"

Now onto the rant part of things, If you really, really like my it! I pour every ounce of myself into every thing I do. And I know that times are hard and there is not a lot of extra cash floating around, so that is why I keep my prices low. I don't try to price match items on Etsy, and I don't sell things for a dollar, like on ebay. I cover my costs so that I can make just a little extra money to do things like oh, get my trucks fixed, or right now, pay for insane plumbing repairs. I also donate half of the money I manage to make from the shell casing jewelry.

Yep. I donate 50%.

So for anyone who has ever made and sold crafts, you know that part of pricing your items is also supposed to cover your time.

Yeah, that rarely happens.

And I cannot begin to tell you how many people say they want to get tattoo work done. And yet, not one has called to schedule an appointment. I realize that the fact that I have to have a day job to pay the regular bills does, in fact, affect the times that I can stay up way late or burn myself out working on a piece. I know the fact that I am not available when ever anyone has and extra $20 in their pockets, does effectively take me out of the running for those 'spur of the moment' tattoos.

I am almost done, but before I finish my little rant here, just remember that even the smallest purchase from an artist can mean the difference between driving on bald tires in the snow, and being able to keep their family safe.

With that being said, here is a shameless plug. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fig-Today I would like to talk about lies. It has recently come to my knowledge that we Americans, as a people are being constantly lied to.

Frag-Oh what in the hell are you talking about now?

Fig-Only the biggest farce to be perpetrated on the American people since Roswell!

Frag-Okay, ya know what? At this point I am not sure I even want to know.

Fig- That's okay, I have to tell someone and if it isn't you, then it might as well be the true victims of this giant lie! Everyone needs to know! I will shout it from the mountain tops if I have to!

Frag-Crap. Once Fig gets going like this, there is no way to escape unharmed...

Fig-Now, can I finally tell them? Or are you gonna keep interrupting?

Frag-Go on then.

Fig-*que patriotic music* Okay, well we have all seen the commercials on TV, we have heard the slogans, and we have been told that in order to go anywhere we want, all we have to do is spend tens of thousands of dollars. We have been told that it's tough, we have been told that it is a heartbeat, we have been told that snow, ice nor rain will hamper forward progress.

Frag-*Sigh* I know where this is going...

Fig-We are shown endless mountain ranges, snow drifts, mud puddles, and city streets. We have been convinced that we all need to have these invincible, rugged, yet luxurious conveyances. They want us to believe that no matter what job we need to do, no matter how much dirt we need to haul, no matter how many steel beams we need for little Joey's bunk bed, that this will get the job done! American Style!

Frag-Cut to the chase will you!

Fig-Okay fine! Now will you quit interrupting me?

Frag-Yea, I will,

Fig-Ahem, So As I was saying, we have all of these images of rugged, tough, unstoppable-ness in our minds, We willingly pay upwards of $30,000 for most of these things, yet there seems to be a problem. 

Frag-And if ya haven't figured it out yet, we are talking about Pick-Up Trucks...

Fig-Yes. Yes we are. And the lie is that these can do anything cool at all. All I ever see are ads where they drop what I can only assume to be thousands of pounds of whatever in the bed of the truck and then drive it to the top of the highest peak within 3 states. Or they drive it through a bog that would eat elephants if given a chance, but the truck comes out on the other side all clean and ready to take your wife to an elegant dinner at the country club.

Frag-So uh, where exactly is the lie?

Fig-Railroad Tracks.

Frag-Perhaps you would care to expound?

Fig-Okay, so all of the commercials on TV show trucks going over obstacles that rival the grand canyon at one point or another. And all of the aforementioned traits tend to make great buying points when you are deciding to drop half the economy of a small country on a vehicle. Yet I think that they wait to tell you until after you have signed all of the paperwork, and can't undo the deal, that what you have just signed juniors college fund away for can't handle Railroad Tracks.


Fig-I know you have spent time driving around in the city, and as we live close to railroad tracks, you have to have noticed that more people stop for tracks than red lights. So this leads me to conclude that we have been lied to for years. We have been tricked to spending tons of money on what we think can do anything, except go over train tracks at a reasonable speed.

Frag-Where do you come up with this stuff?

Fig-All of the rugged, testosterone boosting, image enhancing, hauling, conquering trucks are made of the most delicate substance on Earth. And that is why they have to stop for train tracks. So in a Zombie Apocalypse, whatever you decide to drive, dear god, don't drive a truck! Take a Mini instead, those can fit down stairwells!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Professional you say??

So I have been arguing with myself again. I know why I do it, but it annoys me when I can't come to a conclusion. So it just keeps going. Lately I have been wondering exactly what makes a person a 'professional'. Now I don't mean in a business setting but more in a service type setting. You have professional plumbers, hairdressers, artists, drivers, and the list goes on. But what exactly defines someone as a 'professional'? Is it the act of being paid for your service? Is it the rate at which you are hired for jobs? Could it be that you simply proclaim yourself a professional? Or does one need tons of paperwork behind their name?

You see, I have a professional henna and body art business. And I have made the move into tattooing as well. Now I have discovered tons of animosity between artists. There is a huge rift in the tattoo community. Now I am all for people being taught properly, and making sure that they hold themselves to the highest standard possible, but I also realize that there are tons of lazy people who won't or can't be bothered to do things the right way. From what I have gleaned, if you didn't do your learnin' in a shop, then you are considered shit. You are called a scratcher and scorned by artists who probably started out in a similar spot.

I do think that there are benefits from learning from experienced artists. I have an experienced artist who is teaching me, but alas, he does not have a shop currently. So I have had to learn how to make a sterile shop environment.

But does the fact that my teacher is not currently in a shop enough to keep my from attaining the label of professional in the art of tattooing? Or should it be based on the quality of ones work? Do you want a person who is good at what they do, and loves what they do, or do you want someone who is only in for a paycheck?

I am a professional henna artist. People pay me to provide a service. I am also a professional face painter and airbrush artist. People pay me for those services as well.

So does the fact that ones' skills are in demand make one a professional? Or do you just need business cards?

Now I know that people are going to say that no matter how good you are, if you didn't spend 6 months sweeping floors and making coffee runs, then you don't know shit about the industry. If you didn't crawl your  way up from scrubbing down counter tops, and schlepping crap, then there is no way that you can be as good as someone that did...

So I figure that since I have people who pay me for my services, I am licensed and what not, that I count as a 'professional' body artist.

I think I am gonna run with that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fig and Frag Present...

Easter Fun!!!!

Frag- It's that time of year again when people shower kids with chocolate, eggs, and bunnies. I heard that the amount of money spent on Easter is equivalent to $145 per person in the US. Now to be fair, I don't know if they are talking about citizens of the US and bypassing all of the illegals, or if that figure includes them as well. That's a hell of a lot of chocolate bunnies.

Fig-I know for a fact that I didn't spend anywhere near that figure on Easter crap. How do I know? Because the only thing I bought was a pack of peeps. A whole whopping $1.99 plus tax. Why did I buy these cheap yellow marshmallow chicks? One word...Jousting.

Frag-If you have never jousted with peeps, then you are truly missing one of the finer parts of Easter. Peep Jousting allows one to re-create an integral part of religious history. Violence. Through the use of modern technology and a few sharpened points of wood, one can host their very own tournament. And the great thing is that peeps come in so many different colors and shapes, you can set up whole teams! Make up brackets, paint little numbers on your Peeps, hold a grudge match with the chocolate bunny from last year! It's like a final four just for those of us who don't like basketball!

Fig-I do have to say that I prefer the Peeps chicks. They hold the tooth pick perfectly and have excellent aim. The surface that you set them on will also effect their performance. I prefer those thin paper plates that won't hold any type of food that weighs more then a snack bag of chips. They are cheap, and 200 plates is likely more than you will need for your whole event. And you can just toss them. As for the arena (read--microwave), this is where knowing your stuff will really come in handy. I really like the ones with the carousel in the bottom as you get a 360 degree view of the action. But you have to make sure that it's not one of those tiny ones that has really thick screen that makes it hard to see. The lower the voltage of your microwave the longer the match, but you don't have to worry about things catching fire.

Frag-Most matches tend to take about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. By then the Peep should have almost touched the top of the microwave, if you have a smaller unit, then you may have some clean-up to do. I would recommend cleaning in-between matches as solidified marshmallow is the devil to get off of anything after it is cooked a few times.

Fig-Now if Jousting is not to your tastes, then you can always have the bunny races. If you have a nice sunny day all you need is a bunch of chocolate bunnies (use the same size/kind to keep things fair) and a bunch of magnifying glasses. If you haven't quite figured out how this works...You line everyone up for the race, each person gets a bunny and a magnifying glass (you can prolong the race by freezing the bunnies before hand), then it is a race to see who can melt their bunny the fastest with the magnifier, and, *dramatic music* The Power of the Sun!

Frag-Ha! I see what you did there! Now this one can be kinda messy, so make sure that you either use small bunnies, or you have bowls for the melted chocolate. The first one to completely melt their bunny gets a prize!

Fig-I was thinking that maybe we should hand out colored eggs as the prizes.

Frag-That's kinda boring don't ya think? I mean I was thinking along the lines of those little plastic Zombie figures. Maybe some jelly brains!

Fig-Don't you mean jelly beans?

Frag-Nope, brains. It kinda fits with the whole rising from the dead thing that they have going on there.

Fig-I see.

Frag-Well, whatever your plans are to kick off the season of fertility, have fun, stay safe and remember that there is only so much egg salad that one can consume at a time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Us Vs. Them

I forgot to post this last week, so you get a two-fer today...

So I should really stop watching the news first thing in the morning. All it does is piss me off when I listen to the glaring disparity that is present in our society. For instance, this morning I was watching channel 9 news and they were talking about Robert Blagojevich and his having to report for jail.

Okay, not a biggie. Then they brought up that he would be coming here to Colorado. Alright, I guess. But not because he was sentenced to come to Colorado to serve his time, but because he wanted to serve it here.

I know right!

I want to commit a Federal Crime and then be able to dictate the terms of my prison sentence. "Um, I don't think I want to go to a prison in the state where I committed my crime, so I think I will serve my time in, let's say, Hawaii. Yep on a beach."


If you or me or anyone else that is not a high profile person gets busted for anything, we have to go where they send us. We don't get to be picky. I am sure that lawyers have figured out a way to move some of the upper middle class around the country for the best possible stay. But if you can't afford one of those super sneaky bastards, then you get stuck where ever they have room.

Even if it is with Bubba.

Do you remember the whole Paris Hilton in jail crap? I mean she didn't even last 3 days before they let her out because she was having anxiety attacks.

It is this kind of crap that perpetuates the whole 'class warfare'. It's not a case of the poor hating the rich because they have money, it is a case of the poor hating the rich because they do get treated differently. They do get more perks with their paycheck, and they apparently get to pick where and how long they get to serve time for breaking the law.

I sure as shit know that if I were to get arrested, then all bets are off and I will not be given those choices. If I have a panic attack in jail, they would just haul my butt to the infirmary, and give me a sedative. Not early release...

Wag the Dog...

For the love of all that is drunk and unholy! It has only been about 24 hours and yet I know everything about someone that I don't give a shit about. I don't care about Manning, or the fact that he is going to be a Bronco. Let me repeat that for the hearing impared, I. Don't. Care.

I would say that I am amazed that every single media outlet is going balls to the wall with the news that a sports team gets a new person, but that would be a lie. It is an election year, a bunch of politicians have pretty much started down the "a woman is not a person" road, thus erasing years of struggle to become equals, and no one seems to give a rats ass. Apparently the only thing that we phlebs can be expected to care about is who can throw a bag inflated with air the best.

This is a prime example of what is going on with our country. We as a people are more than willing to play with our toys, and leave the heavy lifting upto someone else. We like to be distracted. We want to be taken care of. We want to watch the show with all of the special effects instead of the documentary. We want our country to be what we are making it in to. And we wonder why the rest of the world thinks that we are a joke. Sure we have the coolest military toys, but we are uncouth, rough and only steps away from complete barbarism.

Now I don't think that I would go so far as to say that there is some unnamed entity that is monitoring and controlling our media, but when it is all the same noise on every channel, then I start to wonder if maybe there might be something behind the proliferation of mindless stories. I mean, there is not one form of media that I watch that doesn't have something about Manning and the Broncos. Short of ignoring all forms of media, there is no way that I can avoid all of the opinions, facts, and fluff surrounding this, the latest in trying to propel a sports team to a coveted title.

It's not like there's a war on or anything...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Movie time...Or not

Fig-Hey Frag! Do you know what we get to do tonight??

Frag-Um, no. What do we get to do?

Fig-We get to go on an adventure. We get to traverse some of the most dangerous terrain know to modern man! Then we get to make our way through crowds so thick that you don't have to stand on your own two feet!

Frag-What the hell are you talking about?

Fig-...And then we get to be willingly swindled out of hard earned money, and frustrated to no end!

Frag-I am still trying to figure out where you are going with this...

Fig-We are going to...*scary music*...The Movies!

Frag-Oh no, is it really that time of the year again?

Fig-Yep. When all of the overpriced, over-told, over everything movies hit the big screen.

Frag-The only problem is that everything has already been done. There are no original movies anymore. The popcorn is stale and the prices just keep going up!

Fig-But you are paying for the experience! The stadium seating, the cup-holder arm rests, and the cute little boxes of candy!

Frag-No. What I am paying for is to have my seat kicked by some snot-nosed punk who has no sense of personal space, some idiot who feels that the 'Please turn off your status symbol' message doesn't apply to them, and people who think it's a great idea to bring a 2 year old to the latest showing of a scary movie.

Fig-But, but, I thought you loved the movies?

Frag-I do love movies. But I really don't like going to the theater to see them anymore. I don't like having to take my own life in my hands trying to find a parking space, I don't like the fact that people don't exercise any type of sense when it comes to bringing their kids. I like going to later movies because then I could at least be somewhat assured that it would be free of kids that were under 15.

Fig-So what are you saying? Are you saying that you are going to give up on going to the movies?

Frag-I think I might. I am just fed up with the atmosphere in the theaters anymore. Hollywood has gotten lazy, and I am tired of paying for the same Micheal Bay movie over and over again.

Fig-I miss the cartoons.

Frag-That's another thing! Who here remembers when they showed cartoons before the movie? Now all they show are ads and previews. If I wanted to watch commercials I would keep my ass at home! For me the act of going to the movies has become so unpleasant that I don't mind waiting for a show to end up on DVD.

Fig-But what about the popcorn?

Frag-Ya know, they make these wonderful things called...Popcorn poppers! And yes, you can even buy crappy butter-like oily stuff at the grocery store. What's your excuse now?

Fig-I, uh, I think mayb...maybe the next time will be better?

Frag-I doubt it...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ramble, ramble, ramble

So I know its been a while since I have written a post, not because I don't have things that I want to say, I have just been stoopid busy. I manage to do this to myself every now and again. So I have to now make it a point to take some time and just write for the hell of it. So here ya go, a nice set of wonderfully disjointed thoughts to get you ready for a snow storm and a weekend.

I figured out a while ago that I really don't like massive corporations. They are top heavy and tend to take too long to react to changing conditions. And unfortunately, one of them has become almost a necessary evil. It is a giant sucking whirl-pool of cheap goods. Stuff is so cheap that everyone can afford to shop there, but then it traps people into having to shop their to get their cheap stuff. Now while there is one that rises to the top of the scale when it comes to just plain nuts and hard to deal with, there are several smaller corporations who make dealing with the giants look like a walk in the park.

These are the aspiring minor demons. They want to reach the full-grown demon size of the corporation in the first part of this rant. These minor demons are in many ways even worse. If you can show that a problem that has cropped up has been solved, then they look to make sure that a totally un-related issue be addressed. And then another one, then another one, ad naseum. I think you get the point. They are like a person with just enough education to make them think that they know it all. These are the most painful to deal with. At least with a full grown pain in the ass, you get to deal with all of the individual cells.

This makes a great portion of my job a pain in the ass. Any little hiccup and the whole apple cart gets toppled.

There have been a lot of hiccups lately.

So now onto the political section of this rant...Remember when the Tea Party was the scariest thing on the scene?? Yeah well now the republicans have surpassed the once laughable group of nutballs. Now, today, they are voting on a bill that could possible end access to birth control for hundreds of thousands of women. And it's the Dems too. They have their part in all of this crazy. It seems to me that both partes are actively trying to distance themselves from their voting base. They are running away from the common people as fast as their little legs can carry them.

And I have no idea who's bright idea it was to all but ignore the fact that gas could hit a projected $5 a gallon this summer. I will never be happier to be able to park our suburban and take the bikes. Hell, I can't wait for it to be warm enough at 6:00 am so that I can ride to work.

I have decided that I love tattooing. I love seeing a peice of art come alive, and seeing people's reaction change at it changes. I love testing my skills, and re-working a peice until it is just right. And what's even better than that is I get to do it again on Saturday!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentines day...

Ah, Valentines day. The day of inflated expectations. The day that teaches us we are not worthy of love if we don't currently have someone special in our lives.And the best example of legalized prostitution that we have. If there is one thing that Valentines day teaches us, is that if you give people stuff, they will like you. Love  you even. It is the candy coating on the dark chocolate of a relationship. Sweet at first, then complex with a touch of bitterness before you decide you love it.

Now don't get me wrong, I love shiny, cuddly, chocolaty stuff as much as the next girl, but I love it even more when it happens on different days throughout the year. I love the fact that my husband doesn't need a reminder to do something special for me, or I for him. And maybe I am just getting older, but the thought of a cardboard heart filled with diabetes inducing sweets just doesn't turn me on anymore. The thought of spending cash on flowers that are not going to last is great, but I want my stuff to hang around for longer than a week.

The kind of love that Valentines Day proposes is the kind of Love that everyone dreams of. Yeppers the big 'L' love. The one that movies are made about, the kind that poets spend hours preaching. And yet aside from romantic movies, nothing makes those who are single, or those who can't spend the kind of time they want to with the one they love, feel more lonely. 

And we start our kids early. Who out there doesn't remember going to the store and getting cheap Valentines for your class in school? I know I did. She-Ra and GI Joe were huge when I was in school. So it became a competition. Who had the coolest Valentines for the class? That award always went to the kid who gave out big suckers, or treat bags or anything but conversation hearts. With our decorated paper bags hung off of the front of our desks, we waited. As everyone got up one by one and put those coveted cards into re-purposed lunch bags, we tried to see who was handing out what. The we got to party. We got to sort through piles of garishly colored cards to see if we did get one from everyone in the class. Because nothing sucked quite as much as getting to the last kid in class and realizing that you miss-counted and are short a Valentine. I always over counted.

And even when my teenage son was in elementary school, we went through this ritual. Then in 5th grade, Valentines abruptly ended. It is taboo to have kids that are of middle-school age trading little love notes. So we are taught that it is okay, then it's not, then it has to be okay, or you will be sleeping on the couch for the week. I really wish we could make up our minds.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Doom and Gloom...

So there is a snow storm headed our way. Out here in lovely Colorado, we think we know all about snow. And most of us who have lived here for at least 10 years can look back and remember 2-3 really good blizzards that managed to close down the city for a couple of days. I know I can think of at least 3 without any help at all. So every time we get a big storm headed our way, people panic. No Shit.

Now one thing I love about my state is the weather. If we get a blizzard after December, it really only sticks around for a few days, then everyone can get their kids back to soccer and flute lessons. But there is always a few. You know who you are. Don't look at me like that. You will be filling up every vehicle in your fleet, and buying every roll of toilet paper, and gallon of water you can fit in your SUV. You ask everyone what their plans are if the storm really is as bad as everyone thinks. You plot, you plan, you stock up like it's 1999.

Well, here is the truth. It's just snow, it melts, and most people would be more than happy to miss a day or 2 of work or school to be stuck at home with the family. I can remember the last blizzard we had I believe it was right before Christmas in 2006. It dumped about 2 feet of the white fluffy devil stuff in my neighborhood. Way more than my poor little truck could handle. So I went outside and shoveled every so often to cut down on the work when the snow finally stopped. My son managed to loose his shoe in our front yard. We didn't find it until our fair city finally thawed in the spring. That winter we got at least 5 inches of snow every Friday for 8 weeks.

So now every time we get a massive storm warning we get the 'doom and gloomers'. They come out all the time. Even in the middle of heat waves. They are poised to jump at the smallest sound, an react with lightning speed to try and assert even a small amount of control over natural forces. Get this...You Live In a Mountainous state where snow in the Winter is Common! You know it's coming, you know it's gonna suck having forced family time, and you know you're gonna run out of beer before it's all over.

I kinda like to snow...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Of mice and men....

So I spent the weekend with my husband vending at the Colorado motorcycle show and swap. It's always and interesting experience. I like getting to see people that I only get to see once a year, and it also gives me time to get in some grade- A people watching.

I find people fascinating. I think that our behaviors speak loudly about who we believe we are. If we believe ourselves to be confident, then we tend to walk a bit differently, we do not need to rely on flash to bring attention to ourselves. If we are shy, we carry our shoulders a bit lower. If we are insecure we feel the need to group together to validate ourselves.

At times we try really, really hard to make it seem like we don't care. We want certain labels, yet we don't want to be labeled. People go out of their way to seem indifferent. They seem to think that their outward presentation is accurate, and true. For some it is, for others it is an attempt to blend and yet stand out at the same time. Both men and women are guilty of this but in entirely different ways.

Men want other men to pay attention to them, and they want them to envy what they have. Be it a car, a girl or even clothes. Men have taken this so far as to say, 'If you're not wearing what we are wearing, then I am better than you.'  Men who need to cling to objects, or symbols, seem to be the ones saying "Look at me, but don't notice me"

Women have a few of the same wants, but also a very twisted way of playing the game. Women will dress provocatively, and then get upset when someone looks in their direction, or makes a comment. I know this for a fact. I used to do this when I was younger. I have since grown out of this, but I see many, many women who haven't grown out of this phase. And it shows.

If you don't want people to pay attention to you, then don't do anything to draw attention to you. If you don't care, then just do what you have been doing. If you want people to notice you, then don't get all pissy when they do, remember you wanted their attention in the first place.

So starts off the beginning of my people watching for the year.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another year older....

So Monday was my birthday, I had to work. So in between running around and dealing with meetings, I had a few seconds to reflect on things.

I have become jaded and cynical. I don't trust anyone that I don't know really well, and I think that the carreer politician should be shot on principle. Everywhere I look, I see bullshit. I see drama, and I see bored people. I am also tired of hearing how much things suck right now. Listen, things suck for me too, but I am working on a plan. I have cut back on the shows that cost too much money to do, and I am going to invest that energy in my body art business, and my garden.

I love my garden. It is one place where I can go and be alone without truly being alone. Mainly because the hubby won't help...but that's another story. A few years ago I had a killer garden going. I had tons of tomatoes and potatoes, garlic and onions. This year I am going to be planting more stuff that I can freeze, or that will keep for a really long time. I made sure and left my weekends open from Mothers Day through Labor Day.

I have also discovered that my tolerance level has bottomed out.

Someone once told me that in your 20's, everything is mutable. Everything can change for the better and you see the world in color. In your 30's the color fades to shades of grey where the lines start to blur. The edges get fuzzier. Then in your 40's, the world, having lost all of it's fantastic colors has become stark black and white. There are no fuzzy edges, and there is little room for much to change in your mind. You like what you like and that's all there is to it.

I can understand part of that now. But only part

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Safe once more

Or is it? If you have been living under a rock for the last week then you either don't know or don't care about SOPA. SOPA is the brain-child of politicians trying to make the internet more politically correct. Yep. That's right. No more cute cat pictures, no more pron...

In my opinion, SOPA wasn't about copyrights. It was about trying to sneak politically correct censorship around the general public. Adding copyright infringement on was just a way to be able to give reason for shutting down a site. It would have given the 'powers that be' a reason to stop by a crappy little blog if they used a trademarked picture or a song and talked poorly about anything other than the aforementioned cats and pron. It was a sneaky trick that backfired.

Now don't get me wrong, as an artist I believe in copyrights and trademarks, but I also don't expect my work to be kept off of the internet. If I post a picture of any of my work on sites like Deviant Art, Etsy or Facebook, I expect that someone will like and hopefully be inspired by my designs. But I don't expect them to not steal my shit. I realize that once I place something in the public forum, that even though I maintain the copyright because it is my original design, I give up the expectation that people may be as honorable and not steal designs. But alas, people are people. And given the proliferation of different ways to put things on the Internet, I don't think that you can expect anything to be kept off the 'net.

So we are at a point where we can decide, do we want our freedoms on the internet, or do we want our intellectual property rights protected? Because I don't think there is any way you can have one without trampling over the other like a herd of stampeding buffalo. The only way that anyone can have their cake and eat it too would be to bake a freakin' cake and dig in. And as for stopping the piracy, has anyone been out to the flea market lately? There is more pirated shit out there then there are legal immigrants. People will always find a way to steal others ideas. Yes, even though we have laws that say you can't do it.

So agree or don't agree, but the only place I think you can expect people to respect your trademarks and copyrights is in your mind.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a bit early, but here ya go!

I know we are still a while away from Valentines day, but the cards and the candy have replaced the breakable stuff and the spray snow. Here is a classic Fig and Frag for your enjoyment.

Fig-"Happy Valentines Day!" *carries in armload of pink and red boxes*

Frag-"Um, What the hell is all of that for? I mean, It's not like your dating anyone right now."

Fig-"I know, I know. But I figure if I see someone I wanna date (read 'sleep with') then all I have to do is give them this massive pile of fattening chocolate, and cheesey cards, and I won't be lonely any more. I mean it's supposed to be the most romantic day of the year."

Frag-"Okay...Put the heart shaped boxes down and step away from the negligee. What in the world would make you think that this could possibly work?"

Fig-"I saw it on TV. If I give someone a valentines day gift, they are supposed to return the favor. Right?"

Frag-"I think that you have completly missed the point of this Hallmark Holiday. Valentines day is nothing more than another day. It is a way for companies to fill the space between the Christmas season, and Easter (read sell more stuff). And I think that people place too much emphasis on this contrived pile of drivel."

Fig-"But, but..."

Frag-"Let me help you out here. If you carry that pile of stuff around hoping to charm your way into someones pants, then all your going to get are dirty looks. Valentines day is not a free pass for sex! Unfortunatly, the card companies have made this day about legalized prostitution. 'Here I bought you these chocolates, will you have sex with me?' It is one day of the year, when people trade goods in the hope for sex, without having to deal with dirty looks"

Fig-*jaw sits on the floor* "I have never looked at it that way. Now that I see it from a different angle, it does seem kinda foolish." *opens box of chocolate*

Frag-"The idea behind Valentines day is not a bad one, people expressing their love for one another is a wonderful thing. But that is something that should happen everyday, not just once a year. I would like to think that people are smart enough that they don't have to be reminded that they are in love with their signifigant other. Hey pass me some of those." *Starts digging into chocolate box*

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Everyone else has given up, won't you?

For the longest time, we didn't have Internet service at our house. Well last year we caved and got everything hooked up. So this past holiday season, we decided that we would inch a bit further out from under our rock and we ended up with Netflix. I know, there are better services and even free ones, but it's a place for us to start. So I have spent some time watching all of my favorite old scary movies, and even some of the newer ones that I can't bring myself to buy on DVD.

Then I watched 'Season of the Witch'. And it was one of the most emotional, terrifying, comedic movies that I have seen in a long time (but not for the reasons you think!). The premise was solid-ish. The cast was decent. The costuming and props were stellar. But it was clear that beyond what the movie had going for it, that the actors just didn't give a shit. I mean at least Kevin Costner was able to try and hold an accent for about 5 minutes during Robin Hood. Yeah, the one from the 90's.

I was really disappointed in Nick Cage and Ron Pearlman. Nick Cage has about the same range of emotion as a rock, and with Ron Pearlman, it was like watching Clay (from Sons of Anarchy) on horse back instead of a motorcycle. Then it hit me.

They have given up. They just don't give a shit anymore. They don't care that they don't have an english accent in a movie that is based in the dark ages in Europe. They don't think twice about the fact that 2 former crusaders would just as quickly kill someone accused of witchcraft as spend 6 days escorting her across the mountains. They don't think twice about risking their life for someone who is a lesser class back when class meant everything.

I don't know maybe it's just me. But it's not just the movies. I have seen evidence of people everywhere just giving up. "I am not going to vote because it won't change anything." "I am not gonna look for work because the government will pay me to stay home." "I am not going to watch my kids, because they need to be kids." And so on. Our nation is in a state of decline because we have all become a bunch of lazy bastards. We want to take the easy way out. We join groups so we won't have to think for ourselves. We want others to tell us what to do or how to act.

We have lost our drive to excel. We have given up.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I noticed that during the wonderful holiday season, that I was slacking on my little corner of the Internet. I had been distracted. I was busy trying to survive what will someday be known as 'The Most Stressful Time of the Year'. I think that the holidays will even beat out tax season for that honor. But enough about me...

I was listening to the radio this morning and what I can't help but notice is that everyone seems to have lost their damn minds. People are in a tizzy about Tebow and the Broncos, someone even tried to make the connection that he is the second coming of Jesus. Something about how all of the numbers match up from the first playoff game to his favorite bible verse. Then I was amused that our government is meeting today to discuss ending the censorship of public broadcasters.

Yep. Soon you could be able to hear George Carlin's 7 words you can't say on the radio, on the radio. Nudity and language would be essentially what you can get right now for the low, low price of your cable bill. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a prude, nor am I going to use the 'Think of the children' line. Right now it is a basic battle of rights versus censorship. Is the fact that television and radio are restricted by the FCC a violation of free speech? Should they have different rules governing them then everyone else? Just listen to the bleeps and watch the blurs. While it has been the standard for many years, now people are taking the fight to the supreme court claiming that it is a violation of rights.

Now I don't think that I would really care that much if they decided that you could cuss on the radio. I also know that parents everywhere will be using the fact that they have kids to try and get the government to do what they want. Well here's an attention to what your kids are watching! If you don't want to hear people cussing, then don't watch that channel. I am sure that despite all of the warnings and the doom sayers, that the industry will police itself. I don't think that if the standards are changed for radio and TV that every station in the US will develop an acute case of Touretts. I don't think that boobs and butts will take the place of the evening news. I would like to think that our broadcasters would want their stations to maintain the integrity that they have built over the years.

But then again I could be wrong.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lack of support

There are all kinds of support. There are structural supports. There are emotional supports. There is child support. There is athletic support. There are way too many types of support to list here. Then there is community support. Now I define community support like this. We live in a giant group, there are people with several different roles. Each roll needs to be able to provide some type of support for the surrounding rolls. Otherwise we couldn't function as a giant colony. Kinda like a bra when the underwire snaps. Things get uncomfortable and binding.

So I have a hard time trying to figure out people who won't support anything.

And the definintion of support, just in case anyone forgot along the way...


[suh-pawrt, -pohrt] 
verb (used with object)
1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.
3. to undergo or endure, especially with patience or submission; tolerate.
4. to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal.
5. to maintain (a person, family, establishment, institution, etc.) by supplying with things necessary to existence; provide for: to support a family.
I look around me, and all I see are people who pay lip-service to the word above. They are willing to put their name behind something or someone as long as it fits in their grand plans.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Post Holiday fun!

Frag-"Today we are going to start the new post "Hannakwanzayulemasseid" tradition...The imaginary gift swap!"

Fig-"Huh? Oh I see, I can get rid of all the odd stuff I got by giving it to someone else!"

Frag-"Yep. Now here is how it works, You can gift anyone with anything, it does not matter that you may not have received a piece of ill fitting lingerie or Aunt Ethels Fruitcake. It is then up to the person you gifted to re-gift to someone else! So if you take part in the gift swap, please tag the people you are gifting to this community, so they can share in the joy!

Fig-"Okay, I'll go first. To my facebook friends I gift a years subscription to my issues! To Becky, I gift 1 brick of fruitcake that has no doubt been passed around for the last 5 years. To all of the politicians, I gift the extra brain cells that I have in hopes that someday they will be as smart as the average person. To Jules, I gift the Black leather teddy!"

Frag-"Good start. Now let's see...To Jesse I gift the tin of stale popcorn! To Wolf, I gift a 3 year old cheese and meat tray that I got last year from the person that I gave it to the year before, Raven and Eric get the creepy snowman candles..."

Frag-"Okay see how that works, it is now up to the people who read my little blog to find someone to re-gift the stuffs (and add their own stuff). Then it is up to the re-giftees to re-gift adding their own personal touches along the way!"

Fig-"Come on people! I wanna see how far that fruit cake will travel!!!"

Frag-"And the starting bell has sounded!! Swap Away!!!"

Leave your 'gifts' in the comments!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The point of no return...

We all have moments. We all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We all want to be needed and loved. We all want to belong. What we don't realize, is that in order to belong, we have to give up part of ourselves. We tell ourselves that what ever group we plan on joining, will accept us for who and what we are, but in the end most groups demand major changes in order to belong. Most groups want us to give up a part of ourselves and replace it with what they want in their members.

It is the party line. Any group no matter who they are or what they stand for have a party line. And they want their members to swallow that line like a fat kid chugs kool-aid. The 'party line' is how and what the group chooses to align itself with. Look at politics, you have democrats and republicans. They want the people who claim to be dems and reps to follow what the party says. They want them to vote for the party candidates. Fortunately in that case, people can and do exercise a certain amount of free will.

That is one end of the spectrum. The other end is the close knit groups. These are the frats, the gangs, and the clubs. They tend to use a much more subtle type of indoctrination. The promise of family and brotherhood is seductive. The promise that no matter what goes wrong, your 'brothers', your 'family' will be there. So many people are willing to let go of what makes them special, and they are willing to follow blindly what is asked of them. That's not loyalty, that's idiocy. True family, and true brothers never ask you to take on tasks that they, themselves would never take on first. They never ask you to give up a part of your self if you want to spend time with them.

As alluring and as tempting as it is to seek and perhaps find something like that, you have to ask yourself, 'Will I like what I will become if I take the leap?' 'Is it worth loosing my morals, and my internal compass just to fit in with a group?'

As a wise man once said..."I don't want to belong to any group that would have me as a member."