Thursday, November 10, 2011

Early Veterans Day....

I know, Veterans Day isn't until tomorrow. Well, I say, suck it. I'm gonna do it today. Veterans Day is one of the most underrated federal holidays that we have. Sure we have a few parades, but most people just see it as an excuse to have a day off of work. Not me. My Grandfather was in World War 2, my Father served during Vietnam, I have several friends who have given the government that blank check. And I seriously value what the military has done for me. Every freakin' day.

I value those who put their life on the line so that I can sleep at night. I applaud those who leave home and family behind to protect our country and way of life. I appreciate the fact that these people have given everything upto and including their life. I only wish that more people can see our veterans the way I do. I wish that parents would teach their kids that serving in the military is honorable.

So even though I am a day early, I would like to say Thank You to all of our Vets, and all of our current and prospective military. Know that there are those of us out here who do really appreciate and value your service.

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