Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tis the season...

Frag-Of obnoxious commercials!! We have decided, we are going to start a new, uh, tradition? Yeah, I think that's right...We are going to be looking at the best and the worst commercials! So I was watching the news this morning and I saw no less than 30 commercials about holiday shopping and Black Friday.

Fig-I liked the one with the, uh, um, I think it had a guy with a beard? Or maybe it was a deer? Oh boy I can't remember!

Frag-So I would like to start with one of the worst holiday commercials I think I have seen. It belongs to Kohls. The scene opens on a young lady who has been waiting outside of the store for who knows how long, and then she precedes to happily sing her way into the store, pushing past an elderly lady, and swiping something out of someone else's cart. All the while singing to a point of distraction, so hopefully you won't notice her being a complete and total bitch to everyone else who braved the psycho masses just to save a few bucks.

Fig-Yeah, Last time I tried to take something out of someones cart, security got called and there were rubber gloves involoved...*shivers*

Frag-Next on the list is the Colorado gives commercials. I like what they are trying to do, but I think there is a better way then encouraging illegal dumping and parking like an idiot. Like one day, and maybe $10 will make up for a year of being a total douche. If people really wanted to be decent, they would do it year 'round.

Fig-I like the talking M & M's! I love it when Santa faints!

Frag-Moving on...I am also trying to figure out who it was that decided that every frickin commercial had to be musical? I am getting kinda tired of 20 something hipsters prancing through malls trying to persuade you to spend your hard earned dollars somewhere else. It's your money, you should be able to spend it where ever the hell you please.

Fig- But don't you like the Small Business Saturday Commercials?

Frag- I do like those, but then again I am biased, working for and with small businesses, anything that helps our country's small businesses is worth it. I like the fact that now all of the smaller businesses have a voice in the overwhelming cacophony that is the Holiday Advertising Season.

Fig-So what's the deal with Santa? I mean most rational, sane adults don't believe that he exists, so why is he one of the most over used advertising icons? And why is it okay to pretend to be a better person one month out of the whole year?

Frag-Those are very valid questions! First I think that the old guy with the beard is over used simply because he is recognizable. We have been battered with images of the fat guy with the bushy beard ever since we were old enough to notice that he tended to show up once a year and leave us crap.  It is a mechanism that adults can use to get kids to behave at least once a year. It removes a large chunk of parental responsability. It's not the parents who are going to screw you over if you are bad, it is the fat guy who knows exactly what you did in the second grade...

Fig-So what you're saying is that the whole 'be good for christmas' thingy is just so kids will behave? What happens when the kids grow up?

Frag-They write crappy commercials...

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