Monday, November 14, 2011

Honor thy....Um, Can't think of it...

So I have been thinking. I know, I know, that means that somewhere a smoke detector is going off. But things have been strange lately. I hear what people are saying, but I am not convinced that they believe half of what they are spouting. There are very few who speak with any type of passion or any true sincerity. It seems that they are just paying lip service to those they think want to hear it.

I hear talk of Honor and Respect, but actions will always speak louder than words. How can one expect others to follow what they say when they can't keep their own life straight. I know I have issues with my life right now, but I am also not telling anyone else that I am a great example. Hell, I am the last person anyone should want to emulate right now. I have too much crap to get rid of, and too many hobbies, and nowhere near enough time for yard work. But when I say I am going to do something, I make sure I get it done. I don't blow people off, and I don't like it when people blow me off.

We have come to live in the land of half-hearted promises, where people use words to get reactions, yet don't prove that they know what they actually mean. It's kinda like giving a 5 year old the remote to the TV. They know it works, they just don't know how or why. I think that words are that way with a lot of people. People understand what words mean, and what the basic definition is, but not how those words relate to life. They fail to notice the damage that words can do, and at the same time they use those words without abandon. They will use words that they know you hold dear and cherish, in order to make you feel like shit because you did something that they didn't agree with.

Words have power. But they also loose their power as they are used without regard, without context, and without heart.

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