Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The loss of a very dear friend...

Today I would like to take a moment to mourn a close and dear friend. We shall all mourn their passing, and with each day we shall remember those lessons that our friend tried so hard to teach us. Our friend was a great friend and now we have to pay attention to those things that we take for granted every single day. Such fine wisdom as...

It is with great sadness and weight in my heart that I must lay to final rest, our beloved, Common Sense.
Common Sense was always there when we were about to make the biggest mistakes of our lives. Common Sense saved us more than once from speeding tickets and disfiguring mutilation. It was that voice in the back of our head that yelled when we were about to get our ass kicked. It warned of scalding hot pan handles, thin ice, and sleeping with our best friends significant other. Common Sense was a great, yet soft spoken advocate for not messing with spinning lawnmower blades, or lighting beehives on fire.

Toward the end of their life, Common Sense chose to take on the name Good Sense. At this point it was realized, that Common Sense was not so common anymore. One of the threads that held us together as people, had slowly started to unravel. The final breath across the teeth of Good Sense was when some had totally abandoned everything they were taught as they proceeded to cross the street without looking, when they chose to eat the green meat, and when they figured out that plastic bags make great 'baby occupiers". But we should not dwell on the past, we should focus on the fact that Good Sense is survived by Personal Responsibly, Courtesy, Respect and Truthfulness. Although to be told, most of the surviving relatives are currently in the hospital on life support.

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