Saturday, November 26, 2011

A wholly terrifying experience..

I am going to tell you about one of the most freaky, terrifying experiences that I have ever had. Now what I am about to share is not fiction. It is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for anyone who has heart problems, pregnant, or seizure disorders. It has haunted me like my own personal ghost. It travels with me where ever I go. It follows like my shadow, always attached and yet it vanishes when I look for it. Yet it is one of those life experiences that everyone should avoid if they can. But most of us can't.

I think that most people have shared this problem, and I also think that most people don't even realize that they have this issue. This affects everyone from the 99% all the way up the food chain to the 1%. From kids in school to those in the workforce. So many have seen this, yet so many remain in the dark. I get the shivers even now, thinking about it. I get goose bumps, and the hair on the back of my neck starts to stand up, the way it does before a thunder storm.

You see when I had one of these terrifying experiences, I was in school. It was at the taxpayer funded daycare. I came to a realization. I had figured out that most of what people say is complete and utter bullshit. And it scared me. I wanted to believe in people. I wanted to be able to trust their words. I wanted them to tell me the truth. And I wanted just the facts. And then it happened. I noticed that if I asked the same question to 5 different people, I got 5 different answers. I couldn't understand why people would tell me different things, why they just couldn't give me the facts. Until I started looking deeper at people. It was then I realized that people really had no regard for anyone other than their family groups.

And at that time, I knew fear. I was frightened to think that I couldn't trust the average person on the street to tell me the truth. And then I started paying attention to politics. I listened as they said nothing. Just little bits that sounded good to keep the masses entertained. There is a reason that they take 5 minutes to answer a damn question. It is to throw you off guard and forget what the heart of the matter is. The people who are driving the bus can't seem to answer a simple question with a simple answer. If you ask one of them what they had for breakfast, it would turn into a diatribe on what they ate as kids.

It was then that I got scared.

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