Monday, November 21, 2011

Ganks Thiving....

Fig-"As everyone sits down to the table this week to consume large amounts of sedative-laced fowl, Frag and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Turkey Day!"

Frag-"Hey quit hogging the cranberry sauce! That being said, I would just like to remind everyone that just because most people get the day off of work, and get to stuff themselves to the point of bursting, everyone should be thankful all year 'round for all the things in their life both good and bad."

Fig-"Great there's no stopping now!"

Frag-"Hey don't you start! Please pass the stuffing. As I was saying...There should not only be one day a year when people think about being thankful. It should be something that people carry all year. A lot of people don't take the time to slow down and smell the roses. I know I didn't until earlier this year. It took a sad event to make me stop and pay attention to what I have in life, the ups and downs, the late night phone calls, the company of good friends, and the quirks of family."

Fig-*hangs up cell phone* "Ya know your right. I have never thought of it that way before. I will make a Turkey Day resolution! I will not answer every single call just because the phone rings! I will not stress myself out about being a minute late and I will try my best to look at everything and be thankful for the lessons, both good and bad that crop up in my life!"

Frag-"Pass the bird, man! Hey sounds good. Let's Eat!!!"

Fig & Frag-"Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, or whatever you want to call it!"

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